Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring to my appointment?
A government issued ID for patients age 18 years and older (No parent or school IDs)
Insurance information
Current medications or a current list including strength and frequency
Shot records for any children requiring vaccination.
Do I need to go to the emergency room?
Call 911 or visit your nearest ER for any of the following conditions:
Delirium or sudden loss of consciousness
Sudden weakness/paralysis of any limbs
Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting others
Uncontrolled blood pressure greater than 160/90
Severe abdominal pain
Severe headache
Chest pain
Sudden eye pain or sudden changes in vision
Major accidents
Difficulty breathing
Uncontrolled bleeding
Severe diarrhea/vomiting for more than 3 days
Fever 104 degrees or higher
*This list is a brief guide and is not all inclusive or meant to be used in place of trained medical professionals.
Do I need antibiotics?
If you have headaches along with severe nasal congestion, ear pressure, eye/facial tenderness, green mucous for 7-10 days while taking over the counter antihistamines + decongestants( ie Claritin + D) and nasal steroid spray ( ie. Flonase, Nasacort) as directed, you may have a bacterial infection.
*Oral Decongestants such as Sudafed/Pseudoephedrine are NOT for patients with hypertension as they may cause unsafe elevations in blood pressure.
Skin Infections:
Redness, swelling, hardening, drainage and pain in any area of the skin that is worsening may indicate growth of bacteria. Antibiotics may be required.
Any genital/urinary burning or discomfort requires evaluation by your healthcare provider.